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Welcome to Year 1

Updated: Jan 7

The Year 1 Team

Mrs Armitage: Class Teacher Monday-Wednesday

Mrs Youngs: Class Teacher Thursday-Friday

Mrs Smith: Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Cook & Miss Philips: 1-1 Supports

PE kits and days

We have two hours of PE a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The lessons are taught by our sports coach, Mr Wolfe. It is very important that your child comes to school in a suitable PE kit with trainers. Please make sure that the kit is clearly named so that it can be found and returned.

School Council

For this academic year the school council have decided to become ambassadors for the well being and safety of all children in school. They will be working closely with our well being lead, Mrs Morley. Congratulations to the children in Year 1 who were selected for this!


Children are given spellings, reading and maths homework weekly. This links with the current learning in class and it can be found on WeDuc.

Things we need

A bottle of water (no juice please in case of sticky spillages!).

A healthy snack for break.

A book bag with reading book and reading record.

Celebrating success!

Year 1 is full of amazing children and we want to celebrate every success and achievement during this year both inside and outside of school. We would love to hear about all the amazing things your child does, so please do tell us!

...and finally...

As a team, we are always here for you. If you need to discuss anything, please let us know. You can see us in the morning or at the end of a school day, or alternatively drop us a message via WeDuc.

If you would like a longer meeting please make an appointment so we can discuss your queries without feeling rushed. If you need any other information please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Armitage and Mrs Youngs

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