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Welcome to Year 6! - Summer Term

Summer Term 2024

What is electricity?

How does voltage affect components in a circuit?

What does 'trade' mean?

What do we import and export?

Who were the 'Vikings' and what did they do for us?

Did the Vikings really have horns on their helmets?

What is a habitat?

Who was Carl Linnaeus and what did he do?

How are all living things classified (grouped, named)?

What is area, perimeter and volume and how are they calculated?

How are coordinates read and plotted?

What is translation and reflection?

What is a healthy relationship?

How will my body change as I get and go through puberty?

What is a micro-bit?

How can computers be programmed to react upon a sense?

What kind of King is Jesus?

All these questions and more will be answered during this term!

Knowledge Mats

Please click the links below to access knowledge mats for our current science and geography units.

Living Things & their Habitats
Download • 1.62MB

Scientists and Inventors
Download • 830KB

Trade & Economics
Download • 217KB

Vikings & Anglo-Saxons
Download • 1.21MB


We will be having two PE lessons each week, on Mondays and Fridays. These will be taught by our sports coach, Mr Wolfe.

It is very important that your child has a suitable indoor and outdoor PE kit with trainers. Please make sure that your child's PE kit is clearly named and they arrive to school wearing their PE kit. PE kit includes a white t-shirt, dark shorts or jogging bottoms, trainers and a Booth Wood fleece.


Children will receive two pieces of homework each week which will be linked to current learning in maths and English/grammar. They will receive this on a Friday and have a week to complete it and return. They should be able to complete it independently or with little support, but please encourage your child to speak to me if they have any problems. In addition to this, we ask that all pupils practise their spellings and times tables regularly and read at least 4 times a week.

Twinkl Spelling helps children to practise their spellings via simple online games.

Once your child has their login information they can access their online games via The class will be tested every Friday. The idea is that your child practises their spellings at home via the online 'Twinkl Spelling' resource as described above. If you do not have access to this, then please speak to the class teacher.

Times Tables Rock Stars is a wonderful maths resource for your child to learn and practice their times tables to improve fluency and speed. It is expected that all Year 6 pupils should know their times tables by heart and it impacts greatly on their ability to complete other types of maths questions. The fun online resource is incredibly effective and highly recommended. It has been thoroughly enjoyed by many previous pupils in Year 6.

Things we need

  • A bottle of water (no juice please in case of sticky spillages!).

  • A healthy snack at break.

  • A bag with reading book and reading record. Year 6 pupils may bring their own stationary to school if they wish but we will provide everything they need.

  • PE kit - Please make sure you label your child's clothing with their name to ensure that it can be returned to your child if lost and found. They should arrive to school wearing their PE kit - we will not get changed at school.

Celebrating success!

Year 6 is full of amazing children and we want to celebrate every success and achievement during this year both inside and outside of school. We would love to hear about all the amazing things your child does, so please tell us about them.

...and finally

As a team, we are always here for you. If you need to discuss anything, please let us know. If you would like a longer meeting to talk about your child’s needs please make an appointment so we can discuss your queries without feeling rushed. If you need any other information please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Christie, Miss Wolfe & the rest of the Year 6 Team!

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