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Summer Term

Updated: Apr 19


Fiction- Fantastic Voyages...

In this unit, the children explore a range of fiction. They read the interactive eBook, listening and responding to the stories then re-telling them in their own words.

They learn how to identify and understand character and events, linking these to their own lives and experiences. They compose and write simple sentences and questions.

Word Detectives

It's Word Detectives week! Children take on the role of word detectives to investigate spelling patterns and generate their own spelling rules.

Poetry- Pattern and Rhyme

In this unit, the children explore poems with pattern and rhyme. They enjoy performing a range of poetry. They come up with new rhyming words and focus on spelling patterns. They experiment with sound and rhythm as they recite their poems.

Non-Fiction- Top Jobs

In this unit, the children explore the different jobs they might do when they grow up. They read the interactive eBook, finding information and learning what different skills are needed for different jobs. They answer the Big Question, planning and writing their own instruction text based on a model.




In this unit about plants, children will learn to name the basic parts of a

plant, including seeds. They will have the opportunity to plant their own

seeds and to make observations of how they grow over time. Children

will also learn to identify, name and describe a variety of garden and wild

plants as well as evergreen and deciduous trees. In their final lesson, the

children will use all of their knowledge gained throughout the topic to

identify, compare and classify plants.

Scientists and Inventors

This ‘Scientists and Inventors’ unit will teach your class about famous scientists and inventors linked to the Y1 science curriculum.

Children will learn about the inventions of Lego and ear muffs, and will explore the materials used to make them. They will investigate

other materials that keep us warm, carrying out simple tests. Children will find out about the work of animal scientists, such as vets and

zoo keepers. They will group and sort animals to make their own paper zoo, and will act in role as a vet, identifying the body parts of

different animals. Children will have the opportunity to collect data when finding out about horticulturists and meteorologists. They will

create bar charts of their favourite sensory plants, and make rain gauges to gather data on rainfall. Throughout the unit, children will work

in a fun and hands on way to learn about scientists and inventors.


Publishing Digital content

We will learn to:

Use brushes.

Add Text

Erase and recreate

Fill and paint

Introduction to Animation

This unit teaches children the basic principles and techniques of simple animation. Beginning with the history of animation, children

research some of the early animation techniques used before the use of computers. The lessons then compare a range of free animation

software and children incorporate the different techniques into their own animation. After experimenting, children are then given the

opportunity to evaluate their experiences in the final lesson.


Our Country

This Our Country unit will teach your class about the countries of the UK developing learning beyond children’s immediate environment and own locality to the UK in general. Children will explore the UK by looking at individual countries, capital cities, human and physical features along with comparing and contrasting the capital cities of London and Brasilia in detail. This unit provides everything you need to give your class a greater insight into the UK and beyond.


Nurturing Nurses

This nurturing nurses unit will teach your class about the influential nurses Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. It asks

children to establish what makes a person significant, explores and compares the lives and work of these nurses and considers how

these individuals have influenced nursing today.



Know how to make friends

Try to solve friendship problems when they occur

Help others to feel part of a group

Show respect in how they treat others

Know how to help themselves and others when they feel upset or hurt

Know and show what makes a good relationship

Changing Me

We will learn about:

Life Cycles

Changing Me

My Changing Body

Boys and Girls Bodies

Learning and Growing

Coping with Changes


Landscapes and Cityscapes

In this Landscapes and Cityscapes unit your class will learn about the bright colours and bold brushstrokes used by the Impressionists, and

other artists, when painting landscapes and cityscapes. They will be introduced to the work of Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, and Jean

Metzinger. They will think about the similarities and differences between the work of the different artists, looking at the colours, painting styles,

settings, and times of day. They will make paintings, drawings, and mosaic art, inspired by the three artists.

Fabric Bunting and Garden Decorations

This Fabric Bunting unit will teach your class about working with fabric. It starts with children evaluating a range of existing bunting with

a theme around counting. Children are then set a design criteria. They will learn how to use a graphics program to create a design and

template for their bunting. Working with felt, children will cut out a bunting shape and use a simple running stitch. Children will be given

the chance to explore different fabrics that they could use to enhance their designs. Using techniques such as sewing, stapling and

gluing, children will decorate their felt flag. Finally, children will evaluate their product.


Who do Christians believe created the world?

How can I take care of our world?


20th Century Music and Music Technology


Cricket and Tennis

Rounders and Athletics

It's going to be a wonderful term! ✨

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