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Spring Term

Spring Term One: English - Friend or Foe

Whilst studying Friend or Foe, the children explore the feelings of the main characters and infer what they may be thinking and feeling during their evacuation from London. The children will find evidence and detail in the text to justify their views. They will consider and explore what the theme ‘friend or foe’ really means, using evidence in the text to justify their answers. They compare this text with other, similar texts in the genre and explore standard and non-standard English by looking at different conversations between the characters. They go on to explore figurative language while looking at the author’s vocabulary choices. For the main composition task, they write a new scene for the novel, paying attention to the features of dialogue, and prepare a presentation about the author for sharing with another primary school or class.

Spring Term Two: English - The Museum of Fun

In this unit, the children explore the mission: to run the Museum of Fun! They read the interactive eBook, scanning and summarising information and relating it to their lives and experiences. They complete the mission, planning, writing and presenting television adverts to encourage people to visit the museum.


Spring Term One: Science - Living Things and Their Habitat

This ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ unit will look at the process of reproduction and the life cycles of plants, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. The children will explore reproduction in different plants, including different methods of pollination and asexual reproduction. They will recap their work in Year 3 by playing a game to name the parts of a flower. The children will have the opportunity to take cuttings from plants, creating clones of the parent plant. They will learn about different types of mammals and their different life cycles, making life cycle wheels to present their learning. Furthermore, the children will find out about Jane Goodall and her work with the now-endangered chimpanzees in Africa. They will explore metamorphosis in insects and amphibians, comparing their life cycles. Finally, the children will explore the life cycles of birds, and will write and star in their own wildlife documentary comparing the life cycles of different living things.

Spring Term Two: Science - Animals including Humans

This unit focuses on the changes that human beings experience as they develop to old age. It tackles some sensitive subjects including puberty and death. Children will learn about the life cycle of a human being. They will investigate the development of babies and compare the gestation period of humans and other animals. They will learn about the changes experienced during puberty and why these occur. The final investigation will be about the changes to the body as humans get older, as well as comparing the life expectancy of different animals.

Spring Term One: History - Ancient Rome

Spring Term Two: Geography - Exploring Eastern Europe

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