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Autumn Term


Fiction- Guess What?

In this unit, the children predict how the different stories will end, and then retell them in their own words. They focus on characters and ask questions about them, and they link the characters’ experiences to their own using drama and role-play. They then decide which story they liked most and give reasons for their choice. The children compose sentences orally, with the teacher modelling correct punctuation, and go on to write their own compositions about a visit to a farm and the diary of a dragon. In the main writing task, they plan, storyboard, orally re-tell and write ‘My Hedgehog Story’ and then review and evaluate it with their peers.

Texts we will be reading:

Poetry- Sensational Senses

The children use their senses to explore the weather, mud and the playground as they enjoy listening to a range of poetry. They come up with new vocabulary and sound effects and use real and invented words to describe what they feel - linking it all to their own experiences. They construct sentences to describe how things feel and sound. Oral rehearsal is encouraged at each step of the planning and writing process as they create short narratives and poems. They experiment with sound and rhythm to recite a poem as a group.

Non-Fiction- Who Lives Here?

The children read the interactive eBook Who Lives Here?, linking the text to their own experiences. They use maps to recall the sequence and ask questions about events in the eBook. They learn about different uses for capital letters and use these in their writing. The writing tasks involve composing factual sentences about animals and writing a nature diary following a model.

Live: Poetry Star!

The children are introduced to the idea of the unit: that they will present poems to an audience and become poetry stars. As a class, they read and recite a variety of poems, practising reading them in different ways (adding actions, expression, etc.) to develop their skills. They practise ways to learn poems off by heart. They practise joining words to make sentences and using the punctuation to help read for meaning. After some teacher modelling, they write letters to invite people to their poetry star performance, rehearsing sentences orally before writing them. Time is given at the end of the unit for the children to practise performing poems, both as a whole class and in smaller groups. The children then present to an audience, and feed back on each other’s performances.





Being Me in My World

In this unit, the children will learn about the following:

Being special and safe

My class

Rights and responsibilities

Rewards and feeling proud


Owning our Learning Charter

Celebrating Differences

During the second half of the term we will be learning about:

Bullying- what it is and what do we do about it

Making new friends

Celebrating difference; celebrating me


Pulse 🎵

In this unit, children will experience and explore hearing and making long and short sounds on a variety of instruments. They will use their listening skills to identify the different sounds and follow and create signals when performing. The children learn a simple rhyme to establish the concept of syllables and rhythms and will explore how the pulse is integral to keeping in time when performing music.

Voice 🗣️

In this unit, children will learn a variety of songs which contain a small range of notes and develop diction skills. They will also develop their performance skills to start and stop with accuracy. They will explore, recognise and represent higher and lower sounds and use graphic notation. The unit will culminate in the class performing two songs which they have collectively chosen to an audience. This will be recorded and children will comment on their own performance.


LS Lowry 🎨

This Lowry unit will teach the class about 19th century painter LS Lowry. The children will have the opportunity to explore the life and work of Lowry and to learn about the industrial landscape that provided the subject of many of his paintings. Each lesson in the unit focuses on improving a key skill in art and design; comparing works of art, colour mixing, perspective, drawing figures, drawing buildings and scissor skills. At the end of the unit children will have used their knowledge and skills to create a multimedia collage in the style of the artist.


E-Safety- Online Safety 🚨

Introduction to the iPads 📱


What does it mean to belong to a faith community?

What do Christians believe God is like?

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